Thursday, October 1, 2009


So, i finally jumped on the blogger bandwagon. I just recently discovered Facebook to and I love love love it! So you will probably find my FB more exciting, but i will try to add anything really interesting here as well!
I haven't yet decided what I want to use this blog thing for. My life, while it be fascinating to me, is not something I expect the world really wants to read on and on about, so I am still working on that.
Until later, have a blessed and beautiful day.


This Mama Rocks said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your comment made me laugh about piggy paint. It is a wonderful product for kids, but very pricy for nail polish. I guess I should have put that in my review!

Green Mama said...

I'd love to hear about your birth experience, since it sounds like you did a homebirth. I have had several women write their birth stories for me to post for my readers...I'd love a contribution from you. I'm trying to promote natural birth, and what better way than stories from women who have experienced it!