2009 was a year of many blessing! New home, our first born, good health and a year of no diets!! I found out I was pregnant in Nov of 2008 so the word “diet” went out the door. Instead I just “ate for baby” For the most part it was much healthier than I had ever done in the past b/c this time it was for something far better than fitting into my skinny jeans. I had very little weight gain until the last month when I just “blew up” I don’t know how. It couldn’t possibly have been from the quarts of ice cream, boxes of cookies, bags of chips, and lets not forget my mom’s YUMMY southern cooking! Oh no, I was eating for two! Lol
Either way, we were blessed with a healthy, beautiful baby girl July 30,2009. I’m a breastfeeding only momma so I thought no biggie, those extra 25 pounds are gonna get sucked right off!! Yea right. Not even I countinue to eat like a hormonal pregnant woman! My craving were worse after the baby it seemed!
So now, it’s nearly 2010 and I’m writing my NY resolutions. But this year it’s different b/c I am gonna make a game plan as well! Not just what I want, but how I’m gonna get it! And now that I have a family to think of I am getting healthy and fit for more than just me!
Ultimate Goals
*Eat healthier
* Work out 3x’s a week
*Lose 25 pounds (I will be breaking these up in smaller goals later)
I’m doing the Body after baby challenge b/c I enjoy competition and accountiblity. I also like how she makes mini challenges that are totally doable! So I will def be keeping up with these challenges plus adding a few of my own.
My other get healthy secret is Weight watchers. It is the only “diet” that really works for me. Writing down EVERYTHING I put in my mouth is such an amazing trick! I’m gonna start off with the online version and if that doesn’t work I will pay more $$ to go to the meeting so they can force me to step on the scales each week and really make myself accountable!
Weekly Goals (January)
So I read in this months issue of shape it is better to make smaller obtainable goals each month/week to help reach your ultimate goals. I will start with Januarys goals and post the other months as they come. Weighs in will be on Wednesdays. Slow and steady wins the race!
1: Start my food journal! Write everything I eat! No exceptions! Work out at the gym at least one time.
2. Drink 8-10 cups of h2o a day recording each one in my food journal. Work out at gym at least once.
3. Eat a healthy breakfast every morning!! It is the most important meal of the day! Make a habit!
4. Work out at least TWO days this week. Continue food journal and weekly weigh ins.