Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Entertainment book for only $3.99 shipped

These books are the BEST!! I always get more than I bargained for! And now you can get it for REALLY cheap. The OC edition I usually buy is normally $40! And even at that price it is well worth it!! ONE coupon usually earns me my money back!

Anyways...let me tell you how to get this deal.

Entertainment.com has them on sale for $19.99/book. PLUS free shipping. But to save even more...

Go to Ebates.com and sign up. For signing up to instantly earn $5 and then when you buy a book you get $6 cashback. Be sure to use their link to get the cash back.

I also signed up for a yearly renewal to save an additional $5!! They send you an email a month before they mail out the book so if you want to cancel then or anytime before there is no penalty! That's usually what I do. Then you can wait for the next rock star deal!

$19.99-$5-$6-$5= $3.99 if you are new to Ebates.com and sign up for the yearly renewal!

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