Thursday, January 21, 2010

Body After Baby


Good week, not because the scale said so, but because my commitment to the gym was fierce! I did turbo kickboxing 4 X's this week and loved every class!! The scale barely budged at 0.5 lbs down but I felt amazing! I'm not loving the weight watchers online program. Plan to switch to meetings after my 3 months has ended.

Thanks to Samantha at Body after Baby for the questions/challenges. This week question was "what motivates me?"

I have a new baby girl so of course i want to be healthy so that I can set a good example for her as she grows into a lady so that she does not struggle with weight as I have, but I also have superficial reasons as well. one word: SUMMERTIME! It's not just about the bikini. I want to feel/look good in a tank top and shorts too!!

Looking forward to a new week! Hope everyone is still going strong!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Babies R Us online coupon

$5 off $25 online purchase!! Plus they are having lots of clearance deal! Check out Babies R Us!

Also dont forget to use your 20% coupon that starts today!! Check out in store deals here.

My fav is the $15 box of earth's best diapers!! I work today but i hope they still have some when i get off!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Everything Vinyl

Everything Vinyl has everything you need to add a punch to your home decor! At $4 per square foot you can do alot of decorating!!

She is also hosting a giveaway for $25 in free vinyl! I especially like this one!! If I win I plan to order something like this...

Visit her website for more details! If you can dream it, she can make it!

Got boxes of old photos??

Sent in about 400 pics to be scanned before Christmas and I love love love the job they did!! about 2 years ago I bought a $150 scanner all in one, but it takes time to get rid of some of the scratches and spots on aged photos! So i only scanned what I needed for my video montage and stopped.
Scan Cafe scanned ALL of my pics and I got to choose the one I wanted to keep!! So cool!

VisitScanCafe for more details and don't forget to use the code "twentyoff" on orders over $75!! Hurry this deal ends soon!

Let me know if you know of any other sites you prefer for scans, because I still have TONS of old pictures!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Body After Baby -Week Two


The Goal- Drink 8-10 cups of h2o a day recording each one in my food journal. Work out at gym at least once.

Success! Although I dont feel very successful!! No weight loss this week! Even though I did 3 days of turbo kickboxing and serious saw my belly shrink before my eyes. Seriously, my baby blob, seems to be firming up a bit. Thank goodness!

Reflecting on the week I realize just how much of an emotional eater I am. I had one bad day at work and it practically ruined the whole week. I didn't just jump back on the horse like I had the week before with chinese food. This time I was feeding my emotions. BOY are they HUNGRY! lol. Anyways. It's a new week and I plan to keep going.

What is your favorite part of your workout? I would have to say my me time. I just posted this on my facebook "i thought working out with a baby would be more challenging, but it's actually more tempting. I get to leave the lil munchkin with daddy while i take a kickboxing class and hit a store on the way home! It's the best kind of me time!!"

My goal this week- Eat a healthy breakfast every morning!! It is the most important meal of the day! Make a habit!

Thanks to Samantha over at MamaNotes for posting the question of the week and I look forward to the mini challenges!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Free $15 GC at Target

This is perfect for the new year!! Target is offering a $15 Giftcard **while supplies last! To everyone 18 and older who tries out the WiiFitPlus!! I've been thinking of getting one so it's perfect i get to try it out first!! One per guest so bring the whole family!!

Plus they have it on sale for $99 this week so if I like it I will be getting one for $69. But even if I don't me and the hubby will have $30 to spent at Target! woohoo

Click here to find out the details/locations.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Body After Baby -Week One

The Goal: Start my food journal! Write everything I eat! No exceptions! Work out at the gym at least one time.

Success! My weekly goal obtained PLUS 3 lbs down. I know you are not supposed to rely on the scales as they can be deceiving but it sure feels good when they show you what you wanna see!! lol.

Like every weekend, I splurged. Had Chinese food (practically a buffet) with the family. Can never say no. But I jumped back on the horse by dinner. Before if I ate bad for one meal I would let it ruin my diet for the entire day or week even! But this time I just picked right back up.

Keeping my WW food journal is really my key to success. I only made it to the gym one time this week, but I am on my way to a 9am Core Central Class as soon as I post this!!

Hope everyone had a great week! Keep up the good work ladies!